Yes, that strange sounding place you can't even pronounce properly, at best spell with confidence.
We have not heard of it before, only that day we met with Yoshi in Gruyeres.
That day was yesterday, up in the Gruyeres after an encounter with aliens and H.R. Giger (bless his weird, creepy yet vastly imaginative soul).
I was with the best travel partners ever, and having travelled from Basel, past Bern and into Interlaken,
we arrive at Wilderswil. The signage at the train station informed us that Schynige Platte (don't you just love saying it?) will not be open until late May (of course Yoshi heard a pequeno mouthful from me, that coffee-trading traitor!), so we were there three weeks early.
The best thing about the Swiss Alps, and the Swiss travel system and traveling with an open plan and mind is that everything is wing-able. Change of plans, right then and there.

That turned out to be the best idea ever, as we decided to move on and go to Murren instead.
And Murren is just love.
Now Wilderswil is a special place for me because of a funny observation: the inn that we had coffee in, before ascent to Grindewald is ran by Koreans. So seeing how these 'other' people are thriving in Wilderswil, of all places, inspired me to aspire for a life I would want to have, in a any place I can go to.
I can open my inn and coffee shop anywhere that I intend to, even in Wilderswil. Because when there's a (wil), ders a (wil). And a way, perhaps.